Teachers & School Leaders
Professional Learning and Development
Professional Learning through Curriculum-Based Projects
Professional learning grounded in specific curricula or discrete sets of instructional materials is an essential ingredient for teachers and leaders improving their practice of supporting student learning.
Programming Algebra I
In partnership with Park East High School, Programming and Interventions for Algebra I Success aims to support schools in replicating a highly successful Algebra I model to enhance equitable student outcomes in mathematics.
Science Core Curriculum
The Science Core Curriculum project supports the adoption and implementation of the New Visions Biology and Earth and Space Science courses through curriculum-based professional learning experiences.
Instructional Routines in Social Studies (Global History and Geography)
Instructional Routines in Social Studies (GHG) will pair instructional routines for primary source document analysis with resources in the NVPS Global History and Geography curriculum that highlight the stories of marginalized peoples. As a result, teachers will be able to use the instructional routines with agency throughout our curricular resources, helping them to adopt our curriculum with more integrity and better support student learning.
Instructional Routines in Social Studies (United States History)
Instructional Routines in Social Studies (USH) will pair instructional routines for primary source document analysis with resources in the NVPS United States History curriculum that highlight the stories of marginalized peoples. As a result, teachers will be able to use the instructional routines with agency throughout our curricular resources, helping them to adopt our curriculum with more integrity and better support student learning. The routines developed in IRIS will also foster analytical thinking and support the scaffolding of essential skills for student success on the NYS USH regents exams and beyond.
Instructional Network for School Improvement (INSI)
The Instructional Network for School Improvement (INSI) envisions a system where 100% of students end ninth grade ready for college-level mathematics. By June 2025, INSI aims to double the number of students ending 9th grade college ready in mathematics, with disproportionate success where demanded. Participating school teams use continuous improvement methods to increase students sense of belonging and progress in Algebra I, working as a network to achieve our shared aim.
Instructional Leadership for Curriculum Coherence (ILCC)
The year-long Instructional Leadership for Curriculum Coherence (ILCC) professional learning series will support teacher leaders such as department chairs, grade team leaders or instructional leads with developing the skills to effectively lead adult learning through meetings and professional development to enact their instructional vision.
Supporting Curriculum Adoption with School Libraries
The Supporting Curriculum Adoption with School Libraries pilot project will develop two models of library-classroom collaboration. Both models will guide curriculum adoption teams in utilizing library resources to support deeper learning at each student’s zone of proximal development.
BIPOC Educators’ Network
The BIPOC Educators’ Network is a professional learning community centered on racial identity, educator care, and professional growth developed to respond to the needs identified by Black, Indigenous, Latino/a, Asian, Asian-American, or Pacific Islander educators.
Certification and Professional Advancement Pipeline for Current and Aspiring NYC Educators
Strong schools need effective teachers and leaders capable of meeting the academic and developmental needs of their students. The Teacher & Leadership Development pipeline prepares the next generation of educators through certification programs and professional development courses.
Build School Libraries
Supported by the NYC School Library System, and in partnership with Syracuse University and St. John Fisher University, Teacher-2-Librarian supports certified teachers who wish to obtain a second certification as School Media Specialist and then work in a NYCDOE school library.
Funding has been secured for Teacher 2 Librarian Cohort Four, starting in Spring 2025. Applications are being accepted through February 28, 2025.
Teach English Learners
In partnership with The City College of New York, B-SEAL for Multilingual Learners sponsors in-service teachers to obtain a certification in TESOL through integrated coursework, professional development workshops and coaching.
NOTE: Applications are not currently being accepted.