
Supporting Curriculum Adoption with School Libraries

About the Project

School librarians understand literacies and the varied strategies that develop literacy in content areas, while classroom teachers understand content knowledge but not necessarily content literacy.

Classroom teachers are the experts in content-area curriculum. School librarians, while familiar with developing collections to support learners at all levels, are not necessarily familiar with specific high-quality curricula.

Therefore, this project will explore

  • how school librarians and classroom teachers can deepen their understanding of the cognitive strategies that will increase core content area teachers’ confidence and ability to build students’ disciplinary literacy with the support of school librarians’ expertise, and
  • how school librarians and classroom teachers can build a shared understanding of the intersection between high-quality curricula and varied learner needs to increase the school librarians’ confidence and ability to develop a collection grounded in curricular support with the support of the classroom teacher’s expertise.

Professional Learning Plan

Year Goals: Cross-Content Literacy and Embedded Curriculum Support
Spring 2025

Pilot Year

Develop a model of library-classroom partnership in this area

  • Identify two or three innovator/early adaptor schools in each area
    • School Librarian with demonstrated, active interest in this area of work
    • School Leader (AP, dept head, lead teacher) with demonstrated interest in working with the librarian
    • Ongoing adoption of high-quality curriculum
  • Thorough and candid analysis of strengths and weaknesses in both pilot threads
  • Iterative cycles of improvement of literacy instruction and of collection development in those areas
  • Synthesis of what worked and should be tested in other school contexts
SY 2025-26

Testing Year

Develop “spread plan” for the model

  • Recruit the “early majority” of adopters from participating CLN librarians
  • Provide adoption support in new contexts, including rigorous recording of variation among contexts and responses to that variation
  • Document successes that will argue for further adoption
    • Evidence of change in instructional practice
    • Evidence of change in student outcomes
SY 2026-27 If the pilot year and testing year demonstrate success with the models, a plan for spreading the work will be proposed.


For questions about the project please email us at schoollibrariesteam@newvisions.org